15 NiCuMoNb 5, WB 36
优质钢 High-quanlity steel,alloyed
材料编号Material number:1.6368
符号Symbol:15NiCuMoNb5 SEW 028
商用名:15 NiCuMoNb 5, WB 36
D-510 Mannesmannrren-Werke AG
元素 最少 最大含量
Al 0.015% ~
C 0% 0.17%
Cr 0% 0.30%
Cu 0.5% 0.8%
Mn 0.8% 1.2%
Mo 0.25% 0.5%
N 0% 0.02%
Nb 0.015% 0.045%
Ni 1% 1.3%
P 0% 0.03%
S 0% 0.025%
Si 0.25% 0.5%
Material number : 1.6368
Steel group : High-quality steel, alloyed
Symbol : 15NiCuMoNb5
Standards :
SEW 028: Unalloyed and alloyed steels for pressure vessel for moderate elevated temperatures. Steel flat products
Range of application :
High-temperature constructional steels :
Boiler drums, pressure vessels, corrugated tubes (<= 500 癈)
Mannesmannr鰄ren-Werke AG, 45466 M黮heim a. d. Ruhr,
Wiesenstr. 36, 45473 M黮heim a. d. Ruhr,
Tel.: (02 08) 4 58-0, Fax: (02 08) 4 58-18 88, Telex: 8 56 851
Hot working :
1100 - 850 癈
Soft annealing :
880 - 940 癈
Temper :
550 - 690 癈
Mechanical properties at ambiant temperature
quenched :
Yield stress
>= 410 N/mm?
(Normalized and tempered)
Tensile strength
590 - 760 N/mm?
>= 16 %
Impact value
>= 41 %
(?<= 100 mm)
Hardness Brinell
175 - 225 HB 30
Mechanical and physical properties above ambiant temperatur
0,2 % Yield stress :
200 癈 >= 363 N/mm?
300 癈 >= 343 N/mm?
350 癈 >= 333 N/mm?
400 癈 >= 314 N/mm?
400 癈 - 450 癈: >= 284 N/mm?
Creep limit :
10.000 h
450 癈 265 N/mm?
500 癈 108 N/mm?
100.000 h
450 癈 206 N/mm?
500 癈 48 N/mm?
Creep rupture strength :
10.000 h
450 癈 304 N/mm?
500 癈 147 N/mm?
100.000 h
450 癈 245 N/mm?
500 癈 69 N/mm?