深圳市三立光通讯有限公司 现货出售/维修效验/回收:NEWPORT 2936-C/NEWPORT 1936-C 光功率计、NEWPORT2832-C双通道光功率计、NEWPORT 1928-C/NEWPORT 1918-C、 NEWPORT 1835 /NEWPORT 1830-C 等设备,更多设备欢迎访问官网或来电咨询!
New! 1936-R and 2936-R, the RoHS compliant version, are available now! 1936-C and 2936-C will be no longer available upon depletion of the remaining stock.
The 1936-R and 2936-R optical power and energy meters are one of the most sophisticated optical meters available in the market. With patented methods for measuring optical signal characteristics the hugely successful 19xx-C/R power meter series has set a new level of standards in optical power and energy measurements. These new instruments are born by combining the superb femtowatt level sensitivity reached by the legacy 1931-C/2931-C series and the extreme versatility of the 1935-C/2935-C series, resulting in a truly revolutionizing breed. No matter what the applications are and how demanding the measurements are, you only need one of these and Newport detectors. 918D and 818 semiconductor-based low power, 818P Series thermopile, and 818E Series pyroelectric detectors that have a DB15 connector or adapter are fully compatible with the instruments. The detectors are hot-swappable, so there is no need to cycle power when a different sensor has to be used.