Exfo/Burleigh WA-1100 波长计
Burleigh WA-1100 Optical Wavelength Meter uses Michelson interferometer-based W**EMETER technology to determine the absolute wavelength of an optical signal under test by comparing its interference fringe pattern with that of a built-in HeNe laser wavelength standard.
Wavelength Range: 700 - 1650 nm (181 - 428 THz).
Wavelength Absolute accuracy: ± 1.5 pm.
Wavelength Display resolution: 0.001 nm.
Power Absolute accuracy: ± 0.5 dB (at ± 30 nm from 1310 and 1550 nm).
Power Resolution: 0.01 dB.
Power Linearity: ± 0.3 dB.
Power Display resolution: 0.01 dB.
Burleigh 光波长计 WA-1600 WA-1600 Wavemeter systems are instruments designed for simple, automatic and accurate wavelength measurement of continuous wave (CW) laser sources. Wavemeter systems count interference fringes produced by the input laser radiation in a scanning Michelson interferometer and simultaneously count fringes from a built-in reference laser. The ratio of the fringe counts of the input laser and the reference laser provides the wavelength of the input laser.
Scanning Michelson Interferometer
Wavelength Accuracy of plus/minus 1.5 pm
Continuous Calibration with Built-in Wavelength Reference
RS-232 and GPIB Remote Interfaces
High Precision Spectral Analysis
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