agilent81656A 规格参数/功能描述:
1550nm 20mW (>13dBm) output power CW power stability: ±0.03db (24h) Internal digital modulation
The Agilent 81656A Fabry-Perot laser source is a single-wavelength module to be used in conjunction with optical power meter modules for insertion loss, optical return loss and PDL measurement of broadband components and fiber. The 81656A Fabry-Perot laser module is insensitive to back reflections and is stabilized for short and long-term applications
深圳市三立光通讯有限公司专业从事光通讯测试仪器仪表销售、 、维修。
光源模块HP81551SM 81552SM 81553SM 81554SM 81650A 81651A 81652A
81653A 81654A 81655A 81656A 81657A 81662A