. 安装前请仔细阅读说明书,核对产品型号。
2. 产品出厂前已进行了整机测试,请勿现场拆卸阀门。
3. 产品安装前必须对管道系统进行彻底清洗,以确保管道系统的清洁。管 道需安装过滤器。
4. 安装时应保证阀门前后预留一定长度的直管段,一般在进口预留管道直 径 0倍长度的直管段,出口预留管道直径5倍长度的直管段。
Installation Procedures
. Read these instructions carefully. Check the product model.
2. The product has been calibrated before delivery. Do not disassemble the valve.
3. Clean the pipe before install the valve.
4. Mount in a straight run of at least ten pipe diameters upstream and five pipe diameters downstream.