ABB电机 >> QABP变频电机 >> ABB电动机,QABP系列变频调速电机,QABP280M4A 90KW 4P B3
Adopted the advantages of the same-type motors of industry-advanced countries such as German and Japen,QABP Series Motors are designed with computer assistant technology. It can be coordinated with the sametype frequency converter at home and abroad. So it has a good interchangeability and commonality. In addition, it has used a squirrel-cage construction for reliable operation and easy maintenance. Separtely assembled with axial-flow ventilator, QABP Series Motors can guatantee its better cooling effect at different speeds. It has adopted Class F insulation system widely applied in the world to improve its reliability. Its output,, foot-mounting dimensions and central height are in correspondence with that of QA Series Motors.
QABP Series Motors can be widely applied for driven equipment in need of velocity modulation in light industry, textile, chemical, metallurguical and machine tool industries and are an ideal power source of velocity modulation.
The output of this series motors ranges from 0.25kW to 200kW and the frame central height ranges from 71 mm to 315mm.
杭州创聚曼机电设备有限公司是一家集贸易、技术、服务于一体的专业传动服务供应商,是世界500强SIEMENS自动化与驱动集团的核心合作伙伴,是世界 500 强 ABB电机产品的优秀代理商。
主营产品有: ABB电机 M2QA/QA普通电机、QABP变频电机、M3BP高效率节能电机、M2QP无火花防爆电机、M2QA-H船用电机、M2VS烟道电机、QAD双速电机、QAEJ制动电机、MQAEJ变频制动电机,M2QA-W室外电机,外转子电机、磨头电机、ABB高压电机等,(标准ABB电机160kw,2P,4p,6P,b3以下全部现货一天内直发,或专车派送,如遇到交货期紧缺,请根据实际情况订期货。)
西门子电机: 1、低压电机:1LGO(产地江苏,现货) 2、高压电机(产地天津,可项目保护) 3、进口西门子电机1LA7,1LG4,1FT,1FK,1PH,1RA3,1PQ(变频、防暴、船用、双速等电机) 4、贝得电机,刹车电机,变频电机、防爆电机,电磁调速,双速电机,正常交货期:15-25天
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