中国甘肃中川牡丹园( )是一家培育紫斑牡丹的专业园林机构,拥有20年的牡丹从业经验以及10年的牡丹海外出口经验,拥有数百种精品牡丹和芍药,其中甘肃抗寒紫斑牡丹享誉欧美、南非、东南亚等地区,在-43℃的低温地区依然璀璨绽放,来自芬兰的朋友John说:“我之所以选择甘肃抗寒紫斑牡丹,不仅仅是因为它的花色绚丽,更是因为它适合我们这里的气温,我们是个寒冷的国家。
Gansu Zhongchuan Peony Garden( ) is a professional institution specialized in cultivation of paeonia rockii. It has 20 years of experience in growing peony and 10 years of experience in peony export. We have hundreds of fine peonies, of which the cold-resistant paeonia rockii enjoy a good reputation in Europe, Nort , Sout and Southeast Asia. It can bloom in areas below -43℃. Mr. John from Finland says: “I chose the cold-resistant paeonia rockii from Gansu not onl e of their brilliant colors but als n adapt to the temperature in Finland, we are a cold country.”