关于WIRE HARNESS(线束)产品申请UL认证时,AWM电子线是否必须有UL认证的探讨
虽然WIRE HARNESS产品属于UL traceablity requirement的要求,但就此产品进行技术上的探讨确有现实意义。另外,对技术人来讲,刨根问底也是我们的特点。
我们提出的第一个问题是,UL对wire harness产品上所用到的电子线是否有明确的认证要求?是否有文件佐证?
我们在wire harness产品的细则中,找到了三段针对Construction details的规定:
The end use manufacturer shall supply the wiring harness manufacturer with a drawing, blueprint, specification sheet or other written description which can be identified by a number or letter incorporating all the components and instructions necessary to construct the desired wiring harness. Any additions or revisions will usually be identified by a revision number or letter. A copy of the documentation must be available to the UL Representative at the harness manufacturer’s facility. The document identification number must be marked on the container, in which the harnesses are shipped, near the harness Recognition Mark and the manufacturer’s identification; or a copy can be included in the container.
Unless otherwise specified by the documentation, all insulated wire must be Listed or Recognized.
There may be instances where unlisted or unrecognized items may be used in a Listed end product. In these cases, the documentation shall specify the part as not Listed or Recognized by UL, as appropriate. Such a harness may bear the Recognition Mark as long as it complies with the documentation.
我们在ZPFW2类产品的Follow-up and inspection instructions中也见到了类似的规定:
L20 Wire and Parts, including simple terminations such as eyelet, ring, open spade or quick connect devices, are not required to be Listed or Recognized unless so specified on the wiring harness diagram.
L21 There may be instances where Unlisted or Unrecognized items may be used in a Recognized end product. A harness with such components may bear the UL Recognition Mark as long as it complies with the wiring diagram or specification sheet.
通过以上的分析是我们基本可以确定,在申请Wire harness产品认证时,绝缘线材是可以不必有UL认证的。
可是,仔细一想,问题又来了:若我们所使用的绝缘线是非UL认可的,我们申请Wire harness认证的意义在哪里?是的,我也找不到这样做的意义。但我可以肯定说,我们在认证实践中确实就遇到这样的情况!
虽然我们可以确认以上的问题的答案,但是我们是无法确定这种线材没有UL认证的Wire harness在客户端是否是符合要求的。因为我们单单知晓线束工厂的要求,还需要和客户确认他们所生产的产品的要求。客户的要求在那里体现呢?就在他们申请认证的procedure中。所以,若客户端没有对供应商提出明确的认证要求,说明客户端对细则的理解上有待深入。