油面轧光机 用于各类纺织物印染后整理轧光用,联净电磁感应加热辊可大幅缩短加温时间,辊面温度均匀(辊面温差最小至±1℃),轧光温度高(最高290℃),使布料表面产生油面效果,光泽均匀,透气防绒,手感柔软更平整
Oil Surface Calender
This product is used for printing and dyeing after-treatment of several textile fabrics. Legion induction heating roller can reduce heating time largely, its surface temperature can reach 290℃ and uniformity can achieve ±1℃. It makes the fabric more lustrous, improve the softness and air permeability of the fabric.
公称幅宽 Nominal Width1800、2000、2200、2400
运行速度 Running Speed5-60米/分
轧辊间最大压力 Max Pressure between Rollers40~120T
辊面工作温度 Surface Temperature≤290℃