像素点间距Dot Pitch | 10 mm |
像素点密度Pixel density | 10000点/平米 |
箱体尺寸 Panel Dimension | 1280mm*960mm (128pixel*96pixel) |
单元模组尺寸Module Dimension | 160mm(W)*160mm(H) |
模组分辨率Module Resolution | 16pixel(W)*16pixel(H) |
水平视角Viewing angle-Horizontal | 160(+80/-80) degree |
垂直视角Viewing angle-Vertical | 90(+45/-45) degree |
色温Colour temperature | 3500-9500 degree K(可调) |
亮度Brightness | 1000 Nit / 1500 Nit |
校准亮度Calibrate Brightness | 800 Nit /1200 Nit(在6500 degree K 色温时) |
白平衡时屏幕各区色坐标误差 | 小于等于0.002 |
对比率Contrast ratio (at 200lux) | 200:1(室内采用ANSI对比度测试法) |
最小可视视距离Minimum Viewing angle | 10 m |
峰值功耗Max power consumption | 700 W/平米 或 1600W/平米 |
平均功耗Average power consumption | 300W/平米 或 800W/平米 |
驱动方式Drive type | 1/8扫描恒流驱动/静态恒流驱动 |
换帧频率Change the frequency of frame | 大于等于60(帧/秒) |
刷新频率Refresh rate | 大于等于480赫兹/秒 |
灰度Grey scale (linear) levels | 红绿蓝各1024级 10bit |
色彩Color processing | 10.7亿色 |
LED 灯封装方式LED encapsulation type | PLCC-4 SMD 或 CHIP 0805 SMD |
LED构成Pixel constitution | 1R,1G,1B |
红色LED主波长Red wavelength(dominant) | 625 nm (+2.5nm/-2.5nm) |
绿色LED主波长Green wavelength(dominant) | 525 nm (+2.5nm/-2.5nm) |
蓝色LED主波长Blue wavelength(dominant) | 470 nm (+2.5nm/-2.5nm) |
亮度调节方式Brightness'adjustment | 手动RGB各256级可调,自动8级可调 |
输入信号input signal | RF,S-VIDEO,rgb,RGBTV,YUT,YC,COMPOSITION |
显示方式 (display model) | VGA 硬件映射/NTSC/PAL |
控制系统采用Control system | PCTV非线性编辑卡+DVI显卡+主控卡+光纤传输(可选) |
防护等级International Protection | IP20 |
盲点率Malfunction dot rate | < 0.0001 |
寿命 (白平衡 50%亮度)Full white half brightness | 5万小时 |
寿命(正常工作)Life-span | 8万小时 |
平均无故障时间MTBF | 5000小时 |
系统工作环境温度Temperature range | 负20度 到 正40度 |
系统工作环境湿度Humidity | 35%-85% |
平整度 | 像素间隙小与等于0.2mm,单元模组间隙小于等于0.4mm |