精品推荐进口毛毡 进口羊毛毡 进口澳毛毡

名称:精品推荐进口毛毡 进口羊毛毡 进口澳毛毡






联系人:张海奎 (请说在中科商务网上看到)





  公司主要生产制作:羊毛毡,彩色羊毛毡,化纤针刺毡,工业羊毛毡,羊毛毡抛光轮,毛毡抛光片,羊毛毡垫圈,羊毛毡条,毛毡块及各种羊毛毡制品件,羊毛毡工艺品,汽车美容(粘扣,系带)羊毛球,羊毛线抛光盘。及其他相关用途产品。例如:羊毛毡油封环,松软羊毛毡塞,不干胶羊毛毡制品,家具保护垫,防滑垫,乐器羊毛毡鼓槌,健身器材羊毛毡煞车片,棒球手套杂毛毡,防寒保温杂毛毡, 服装衬垫毛毡,灰色毛毡,黑色羊毛毡,吸油毛毡,防震,防尘毛毡,包装羊毛毡,机械羊毛垫,全机制羊毛毡,文具毛毡,白板笔毛毡块,书画毡,毛毡鞋垫,板擦毛毡,印台毛毡,毛毡挂件,羊毛毡杯垫,圣诞树毛毡饰品,不锈钢羊毛轮,玻璃羊毛轮,陶瓷粘扣羊毛抛光片,精密羊毛毡抛光轮,等各种用途羊毛毡及制品。

  The company mainly production: sheep blankets, colored sheep blankets, chemical fiber needle felt, sheep blankets industrial sheep blankets, sheep blankets polishing wheel, felt polishing pads, sheep blankets gaskets, wool felt, felt block and all kinds of wool products, sheep blankets products, automotive beauty ( sticky buckle, belt ) ball of wool, wool line throwing disc. And other related products. For example: wool felt seal ring, soft wool felt plug, self-adhesive sheep blankets products, furniture protection pad, non-slip mats, musical instruments, sheep blankets drumstick, fitness equipment wool felt pads, baseball gloves miscellaneous blankets, insulation miscellaneous blankets, clothing liner blankets blankets, grey, black sheep blankets, oil-absorbing blankets, shockproof, dustproof blankets packaging machinery, sheep blankets, wool pad, the whole mechanism blankets sheep blankets, stationery, whiteboard pen block blankets, carpet painting, blankets insoles, the blackboard eraser felt, stamp pad blankets, blankets sheep blankets pendant, coaster, Christmas tree felt ornament, stainless steel wool, glass wool wheel, ceramic fastening wool polishing, precision sheep blankets polishing wheel, a variety of purposes such as sheep blankets and products.