概述Brief description
NT 65/2 ECO是一款商用吸尘吸水机。其采用了双电机设计,吸力强劲。
The NT 65/2 Eco is a powerful, two-motor wet and dry vacuum cleaner for professional applications. Flat pleated filter is cleaned efficiently by air pulse system for almost constant suction power at all times.
技术参数Technical data
产品型号Type | NT65/2 Eco |
订货号Order no. | 1.325-141.0 |
空气流量 Air flow rate (l/s) | 2 x 56 |
抽吸力 Vacuum (mbar/KPa) | 235/23.5 |
最大功率 Max. power rating (W) | 2750 |
标准内径 Inside dia standard (mm) | 40C-ID |
噪音等级Operating noise (dB/A) | 74 |
电源线长度 Length of cord access. (m) | 10 |
重量Weight (kg) | 19 |
尺寸(长x宽x高)Dimensions (l x w x h) (mm) | 600 x 480 x 920 |
标准备件 Standard accessories
Flat plaeated filter (dust class M), Power Filter Clean, 2 x 0.5 m metal tubes, Auto shutdown when max. level is reached, Drain hose (oil resistant)