有隔板高效空气过滤器是用超细玻璃纤维作滤料,胶板纸或铝泊作分隔板,与木框或铝合金框胶合而成,具有过滤效率高,阻力低,风量大的优点,广泛应用各种局部净化设备和洁净厂房。 Hepe filter with separators is made is made of super-thinness glass fibre,glue plate and aliminium plate as it’s separate,Glue with wood frame and aliminum,lt have many adventage such as high eff, low resistence and power wind flow,widly used in many part clean equipment and clean workshop. 主要技术参数: 型号 | 外型尺寸(宽×高×深)mm | 额定风量M3/h | 初阻力Pα | 效率% | 材料 | 滤芯 | 外框 | 隔板 | 密封胶 | ZNGG-5 | 305×610×150 | 500 | <200 | >99.99 | 玻纤滤纸 | 镀锌钢板 中密度板 铝合金板 不锈钢板 | 胶板纸 铝箔 | 聚氨酯 | ZNGG-8 | 600×600×150 | 800 | ZNGG-10 | 610×610×150 | 1000 | ZNGG-12 | 820×600×150 | 1200 | ZNGG-15 | 915×610×150 | 1500 | ZNGG-20 | 1220×610×150 | 2000 | ZNGG-10 | 484×484×220 | 100 | ZNGG-15 | 726×484×220 | 1500 | ZNGG-15 | 630×630×220 | 1500 | ZNGG-20 | 968×484×220 | 2000 | ZNGG-22 | 945×630×220 | 2200 | ZNGG-30 | 1260×630×220 | 3000 |