| 85038F|校准件|| 品牌: 安捷伦 | Agilent | 惠普 | HP 主要技术指标 * DC to 7.5 GHz (usable to 8 GHz) frequency range * Calibration standards with female 7-16 connectors 主要描述 The Agilen libration kit contains onl libration devices (open circuit, short circuit and termination) and has frequency coverage from dc to 7.5 GHz (usable to 8 GHz). Moder tion systems requir ponents offering low VSWR and low intermodulation distortion at high transmit power levels. To meet these needs, 7-16 connectors ar in mon in base station transmitters, amplifiers, duplexers, and other products. These connectors conform to IEC 169-4, DIN 47223, European standard EN 122190, and British standard BSEN 122190. To calibrat work analyzers for measurements of devices with 7-16 connectors, Agilent offers th libration kit with precision 7-16 standards.