






联系人:谢静晶 (请说在中科商务网上看到)








  Castable ceramic fiber, the product is a refractory clay-like uncertainty mading from blown bulk of low shot content, together with a certain percentage of binding agents, fillers and additives. With low bulk density, low heat storage, low thermal conductivity, high strength, air tightness and other characteristics, widely used as wall line and activities lidof heat equipment and activities lined lid, and also as high-temperature furnace insulation materials, is a kinds of good heat insulation material. Construction operations of the product is good, after the furnace wall construction of high integrity, especially for complicated shapes lining the walls

  产品种类:Product Series:

  >火龙1260纤维浇注料 HLGX-297

  >火龙1400纤维浇注料 HLGX-497

  Huolong 1260 ceramic fiber castable HLGX-297

  Huolong 1400 ceramic fiber castable HLGX-297







  Low heat storage

  Low thermal conductivity

  High compressive strength

  Excellent bulk stability

  Easy to work





  The material of wall lines and back lines of industrial furnace. Including smelter hearth, tunnel kiln, steel rolling furnace, continuous furnace,annealing furnace,vertical furnace,portable cover furnace

  The cover of ladle

  Furnace door, observation port, burner block of electric furnace

  技术指标Technical Index:

产品名称Product Name 陶瓷纤维浇注料Ceramic Fiber Castable
产品代码Code HLGS-297 HLGS-397 HLGS-497 HLGS-597
最高使用温度 Maximum Service Temperature 1050 1150 1250 1350
长期使用温度 Service Temperature 1000 1100 1200 1300
化学成分 chemical composition (%) AL2O3 ≥30 ≥35 ≥40 ≥40
SiO2 ≥30 ≥40 ≥35 ≥35
体积密度Density (kg/m³) 湿态 1150-1250 1150-1250 1250-1350 1250-1350
110℃*24h 干燥后 550 600 600 700
烧后 500(1000℃*3h) 550(1000*3h) 550(1200*3h) 550(1300*3h)
热导率 Theoretical Thermal Conductivity (W/m.k) 平均温度400℃ 0.115 0.118 0.150 0.171
平均温度600℃ 0.116 0.155 0.175 0.195
平均温度800℃ 0.185 0.195 0.221
冷态抗折强度(MPa)≥ 110℃*24h 干燥后 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5
烧后 0.4(1000℃*3h) 0.4(1100℃*3h) 0.4(1200℃*3h) 0.4(1300℃*3h)
冷态耐压强度compressive strength (MPa)≥ 110℃*24h 干燥后 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6
烧后 0.4(1000℃*3h) 0.5(1100℃*3h) 0.5(1200℃*3h) 0.6(1300℃*3h)
加热收缩率(%)≤ Shrinkage on heating 3(1000℃*24h) 3(1100℃*24h) 3(1200℃*24h) 3(1300℃*24h)
初凝时间(min)≥ initial setting time 60 60 60 60
脱模时间(h) Demould time 3-8 3-8 3-8 3-8
存放期 period of validity 不受冻和高温烘干时:三个月 three months without freezing and high temperature drying
包装Package 袋装,25千克/袋 bag, 25kg/bag