Ceramic fiber packing product characteristics suitable for high temperature, high pressure machine, pump, valve sealing equipment: metal processing, boiler door, high-temperature furnace, high temperature, high pressure machine, pump, valve industry: can be widely used in chemical, power, papermaking, food, pharmaceutical and other industries: cleaning fluid or paste, saline solution, emulsion, oils, hydrocarbons, solvents, pulp.
压力 (Pressure) 3-20Mpa
温度(Temperature ) 800-1200℃
Ph值(PH range) 3~14
线速度(Linear speed ) 12米/秒 m/s
The main technical parameters of the ceramic fiber packing:
Pressure (Pressure) 3-20Mpa
Temperature (Temperature ℃) 800-1200
The value of Ph (PH range) 3~14
Linear velocity (Linear speed) 12 m / s m/s