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  频谱分析仪 TEK2712

  不带跟踪源 . 带跟踪源 . 官网介绍(英文)

  137x361x445mm 10kg (含提手)

Tektronix 2712 Spectrum Analyzer 频率精度 5 × 10-7 灵敏度至 -139dBm (-92dBmV) with Built-In Preamp 四条数字踪迹加真实模拟踪迹显示 124 K of RAM EMC Measurements with Optional Quasi-Peak Detector 扫频测量 至1.8GHz的内部或外接跟踪源 应用 广播传输领域 通讯系统 EMC 检测 Tektronix 2712 频谱仪内建频率计, 完全的编程能力, 数字和真实模拟显示, 108个或更多的显示存储. 人性化设计,操作简便,实时时钟年月日可直接合并波形一起打印. Frequency-corrected tuning and phase-lock stabilization enhance the ability to resolve close-in signals and reliably demodulate narrowband signals. Sensitivity up to -127dBm (-80dBmV) at 300-Hz resolution bandwidth (RBW) lets you see weak signals. The built-in preamp can improve sensitivity another 12dB, up to -139dBm (-92dBmV). Up to 80-dB on-screen dynamic range ensures visibility of weak signals in the presence of strong ones. A 300Hz RBW filter with a shape factor <7:1 means you'll see many close-in sidebands and spurious or unexpected signals you might otherwise miss. At the other end of the spectrum the 5-MHz RBW filter is useful when demodulating wideband signals such as actively modulated video carriers. The built-in signal counter, with 0.5 ppm ±10Hz accuracy, offers added power for rapidly identifying signals. The capability to choose between digital and true-analog displays lets you examine signals for characteristics that are not visible on digital-only displays. Sweep speeds of 1µsec/div, TV Line and TV Field triggering, an internal audio amplifier, AM/FM detectors, and the optional Video Monitor Mode all make video communications measurements easier. Bandwidth, Carrier-to-Noise, Noise Power, Signal Search, and FM Deviation modes provide additional measurement power and convenience. Occupied Bandwidth Mode, with percent settable from 1 to 99%, aids in broadcast and radio measurements. The optional internal or external tracking generator provides high dynamic range swept measurements to 1.8GHz. EMC Measurement To help simplify your EMC measurements, the 2712 offers an optional quasi-peak detector, EMI resolution bandwidth filters, and fully corrected E-field intensity measurements to assist in precertification and troubleshooting. EMC ancillary devices are available to provide a complete measurement solution. Tektronix 2711 Spectrum Analyzer The 2711 offers a wide range of features at an extremely affordable price. This value leader is well-suited for checking broadcast transmitter performance and communications system operations, looking for unwanted RF emissions, testing two-way communications equipment, maintaining industrial security, and teaching frequency domain concepts in the classroom, plus a wide variety of other applications. The standard 2711 shares many of 2712's valuable features, such as compact size and light weight (9.5 kg, about 21lbs.). Both instruments can also be quickly converted to rack operation with optional rackmount adapters. Frequency accuracy is 1 × 10-5 and sensitivity is up to -117dBm (-70dBmV) at 3kHz RBW. The built-in preamp can add another 12dB, up to -129dBm (-82dBmV). Up to 80-dB on-screen dynamic range helps see weak signals, even when strong ones are present. True-analog display capability, along with fast sweep speeds and TV Line and TV Field triggering provide convenient demodulation of video carriers for making depth-of-modulation checks or looking at special baseband data, VITS, and many other signals. An internal audio amplifier and AM/FM detectors let you hear demodulated signals, using either the built-in speaker or headphone jack, for fast signal identification and troubleshooting in communications applications. With the Video Monitor (Opt. 10) installed, you can view broadcast (AM) TV signals or down-converted satellite (FM) signals. The 2711 can also be used with a set of near-field probes as a handy EMC diagnostic tool. Characteristics 以下指标同样适用于 2712 和 2711 预热15分钟后,特殊标注的除外。 Frequency Related 频率范围 - 9kHz to 1800MHz 中心频率精度 - 2712: 5×10-7 of CF ±700Hz 2711: 1×10-5 of CF ±5kHz 频率计数器精度 (Std. 2712, Opt. 02 2711) - 2712: 5×10-7 of CF ±10Hz, ±1 LSB 2711: 1×10-5 of CF ±10Hz, ±1 LSB 点光标频率精度*1 - CF Accuracy ±3% of span Long-term Drift*1 - 2712: 2 ppm/yr 2711: 10 ppm/yr Short-term Drift - 2712: ≤400Hz maximum drift between correction cycles 2711: ≤20kHz maximum drift between correction cycles Residual FM - 2712: ≤100Hz pk-pk/20msec at ≤20kHz span/div; ≤2kHz pk-pk/20msec at >20kHz span/div 2711: ≤2kHz pk-pk/20msec Resolution Bandwidth (-6dB) - 2712: 5MHz, 300kHz, 30kHz, 3kHz, 300Hz 2711: 5MHz, 300kHz, 30kHz, 3kHz 2712 with Opt. 14: Add 1MHz, 100kHz, 10kHz, and 1kHz 2712 with Opt. 12: Add 1MHz, 120kHz, 9kHz, 1kHz - 200Hz replaces 300Hz filter Resolution Bandwidth Shape Factor (60dB/6dB) - ≤7:1 for RBW ≤1MHz Noise Sidebands - ≤70dBc at 30 × RBW 视频滤波 - Approx. 1/100 (Auto) of RBW Manual Selection: 3Hz to 300kHz in 1-3sequence Freq. Span/Div. Range - 2712: 180MHz to 1kHz 2711: 180MHz to 10kHz selected in 1-2-5sequence or within two significant digits through a menu Span Accuracy - ±3% over the center eight divisions Amplitude Related 平坦度 - ±1.5dB measured with 10dB internal RF attenuation (preamp off). 垂直显示模式 - 10, 5, 1dB/div, Linear. 测量范围 - 2712: -139 (preamp on) to +20dBm (-92 to +67dBmV). 2711: -129 (preamp on) to +20dBm (-82 to +67dBmV). 显示动态范围 - 80dB max (limited to 40dB in optional 2712 Quasi-Peak Detector mode). 参考电平范围 - LOG Mode: -70 to +20dBm (-23 to +67dBmV), or to -90dBm with preamp on. LINEAR Mode: 8.8µV to 280mV. 参考电平步进 - LOG Mode: 1dB or 10dB. LINEAR Mode: 1-2-5sequence. Mixer Input Level - Automatically controlled by instrument for on-screen signals. Level selectable between -20 to -50dBm (+27 to -3dBmV). 幅度显示精度 - 10dB/div: ±1.0dB/10dB to max. cum. error of ±2dB over 70dB range; ±2.0dB/10dB over 70-80dB range. 5dB/div: ±1.0dB/10dB to max. cum. error of ±2dB over 40dB range. 1dB/div: 1dB max. error over 8dB range. Linear Mode: ±5% of full scale. 衰减器范围 - 0 to 50dB, 2dB steps. 灵敏度 - 2712: -127dBm (-80dBmV) at 300Hz RBW, -139dBm (-92dBmV) at 300Hz RBW with preamp on (to 600MHz). 2711: -117dBm (-70dBmV) at 3kHz RBW, -129dBm (-82dBmV) at 3kHz RBW with preamp on (to 600MHz). Spurious Response (Preamp Off) Residual Spurious Response - ≤-100dBm referenced to input of 1st mixer 3rd Order IM Distortion - ≤-70dBc, from any two on-screen signals within any frequency span measured with 1st mixer input level of ≤-30dBm (+17dBmV) 2nd Harmonic Distortion - ≤-66dBc measured with 1st mixer input level of ≤-40dBm (+7dBmV) Input Related LO Emission - ≤-70dBm with 0dB RF attenuation RF Input - Type-N connector, 50 ohm VSWR with 10dB or More RF Attenuation - 1.5:1max Maximum Safe Input - +20dBm (+67dBmV) (0.1W) continuous peak with 0dB RF attenuation; 100V DC (initially applied with full attenuation) 1dB Compression Point - ≥-15dBm (+32dBmV) with 0dB RF attenuation Sweep Related 扫描时间 - 1µsec to 2sec/div in 1-2-5seq. (7-decade range); AUTO SWEEP mode; MANUAL SWEEP select 扫描时间精度 - ±10% over the center eight divisions 触发 - Free run, internal, external, line, TV field, TV line, single sweep, manual scan 触发幅度 - Internal: One division or more of signal External: Min. 1.0V peak, (15Hz to 1MHz) Input/Output Characteristics 外接触发*1 - BNC connector, 10 kilohm impedance, DC coupled 0.1µs min. Pulse width: 35V max. 外接视频输入*1 - DC coupled. 0-50kHz, 0-1.4V (175mV/div typical) signal input for vertical deflection of CRT beam. 扫描闸门输出 - TTL level, HI while CRT beam sweeps. 扫描输出 - +1.3 to -1.3V, negative-going ramp, proportional to the horizontal sweep. Source impedance ≤50 ohm. 视频输出 - 0 to +1.6V of video signal, proportional to vertical display amplitude. 0V is top of screen. 1 kilohm impedance. Other Capabilities 光标 - Single marker/delta marker; next right, next left peaks; next lower, next higher peaks; (highest) peak find; marker to center frequency and reference level. 非易失性存储器 - Lithium battery backup. 2712: 124 KB available; up to 108 displays saved; 36 front-panel setups, large user-definable key routines, and antenna tables (exact number and size depends on NV RAM utilization). 2711: 28 KB available; up to 18*2 displays saved and 9*2 front-panel setups, user-definable key routines, and antenna tables. 数字化存储显示 - Selectable acquisition modes of positive peak only, positive/negative peak. SAVE A, B, C, and active D trace; up to four traces on screen; MAX HOLD A, B; MIN HOLD A, B, C; B, C MINUS A; WATERFALL display mode; digital storage off provides analog sweep. Ensemble Averaging - Provides weighted continuous or discrete averaging of display resulting in reduction of random noise. Internal Preamp - Preamp can be switched in/out of circuit (flatness degrades above 600MHz, provides approximately 12dB sensitivity improvement). Alternative Reference Level Units - dBm, dBmV, dBV, dBµV, dBµW, dBµV/m. 用户自定义开机状态 - Instrument powers up to user-definable state or factory default condition. Center Measure - Signal is centered with frequency and peak amplitude automatically read out (not a marker mode). The signal is counted in the 2712 or 2711 with Option 02. Signal Track - Drifting signal is kept at display center with correct frequency and peak amplitude displayed. Graticule Illumination - For CRT photography in analog display mode. Supports Epson FX and LQ Series Printers through a built-in GPIB interface (Std. 2712, 2711 Opt. 03), RS-232C interface (Opt. 08, 2712 and 2711). *1 Typical but unwarranted performance parameters. *2 Up to 108 saved displays, 36 front-panel setups available with Opt. 03 or 08. Environmental Specifications Electromagnetic Compatibility - EC92 EMC Directive 89/336/EEC. Emissions: EN50081-I. Radiated Emissions, 30MHz to 1GHz, EN55022 Class B (CISPR 22 B). Conducted Emissions, 150kHz to 30MHz, EN55022 Class B (CISPR 22 B). Conducted Emissions, power line harmonics. 0 to 2kHz, IEC 555-213. Immunity: EN50082-1. Electrostatic Discharge, 8 kV, IEC 801-2. Radiated Immunity, 27MHz to 500MHz, IEC 801-3. No response above -90dBm in a 3V/meter field. Fast transients, capacitive clamp, 1 kV power leads, 500V control leads, IEC 801-4. Power Line Surge, 1 kV differential mode, 2 kV Common mode, IEC 801-5. Vibration - Meets MIL-T-28800E, Paragraph (modified). General Characteristics 电源 - 105W max. (1.4A) at 115V, 60Hz. Operates 48Hz to 440Hz, 90 to 132V AC, or 48Hz to 63Hz to 250V AC. Battery power (Opt. 07) available.