金屋天花φ50铝合金圆管天花,金属天花。是业界新兴的天花品种,它具有柔和圆滑的自身外观,开阔通透的结构,优良的排气效果,造形美观、线条明快飘逸,简约大方,令设计万千变化,整个建筑空间宽畅通透,更具天花行业的时尚感。配合C50槽型黑色烤漆龙骨 ,结构紧密,抗风力强,有较好的屏障效果,便于检修天花上的电器、管道。适用于大型的公共场所,比如地铁、车站、机场、展览厅、购物中心、通道、走廊等。φ50 Aluminum Tube ceiling is a new variety ceiling. It has a permeable structure and outstanding exhausting ability. Adopting single-direction installation, it can produce a visual effect as if it were curtain cloth there, which renders a largely changeable design, a permeable architectural space and a more fashionable ceiling.It is applicable to airdromes, metros, stations, gymnasiums, meeting halls, marketplaces, trade high-rises, libraries etc. It can make you a comfortable and gentle circumstance.