供应广东老化试验设备 深圳紫外线老化试验箱

名称:供应广东老化试验设备 深圳紫外线老化试验箱






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型号 Model XR-QUV/普通型 Common type XR-QUV/高端型 Spray to pour a type
控制仪 Control an instrument 自主研发触摸屏可编程控制仪 The independence development touch holds a programmable control an instrument
温度范围 Temperature scope RT+10℃~70℃
温度均匀度 The temperature even degree ±3℃
湿度范围 Degree of humidity scope ≥75%RH
灯管内中心距离 Light tube inside the heart be apart from 65~70mm
试品与灯管中心距离 Try article and light takes care of center distance 55mm
紫外灯管 The purple and outside light take care of UV-B或UV-A(国产) UV-B or UV-A(domestic) UV-B或UV-A(美国Q-BLAP原装进口) UV-B or UV-A(American Q-BLAP the original package be importing)
紫外波长范围 Purple and outside wave-length scope UV-B波长280~315n;UV-A波长320~400nm UV-B wave-length 280~315 ns;UV-A wave-length 320~400 nms
标准试片 Standard sample 75×150mm
喷淋方式 Spray to pour a way 无 Have no 隔102min喷水18mi或隔48min喷水12min(可调) Separate the 102 mins sprays a water 18 mis or separates a 48 mins to spray a water 12 mins(adjustable)
工作室尺寸 Utility room size 450 ×1165×500mm (深×宽×高) 450 ×1165 ×500 mm(D×W×H)
箱体材料 Box body material SUS304#不锈钢板 SUS 304# stainless steel planks
灯 管 The light take care of 二排共8只,40W/支 Two rows are total 8, 40 Ws/pay
水源及耗量 Headwaters and consume quantity 洁净水或蒸馏水8升/天(客户自备) Clean water or distilled water 8 rise/day(the customer be self-provided)
符合标准 The sign is up to standard GB/T 14522-93中华人民共和国国家标准《机械工业产品用塑料、涂料、橡胶材料、人工气候加速试验方法》 GB/T 14522-93 the People’s Republic of China nation standard 《the machine industrial product use plastics, coating, rubber material, artificial weather acceleration experiment method 》