护栏网 1 材料:低碳钢丝,不锈钢丝,铝镁合金丝。 2 编织:编织焊接而成。 3 用途:主要用于高速公路,铁路,桥梁两侧的防护带;机场,码头,巷口的安全防护;市政建设中的公园,草坪,动物园,湖池,道路及住宅区的隔离和防护;宾馆,酒店,超市,娱乐场所的防护与装饰。规格多样,可根据客户的需求加工订做。。 4 产品特点:防腐、防老化、抗晒、耐候等特点。防腐形式有电镀、热镀、喷塑、浸塑。 金属护网:护拦网 围拦网 隔离栅 网片、钩花网、刺绳。 产品特点:耐腐蚀、抗老化、耐酸碱、不退色、表面光亮平整、结实耐用。 产品用途:广泛用于高速公路、铁路、机场、港口、公园、市政建设、种植、养殖。浸塑是当前护拦网、围拦网、隔离栅、表面处理效果较好的工艺,它具有耐腐蚀、抗老化、耐酸碱、不退色、表面平整光亮、颜色多样、美观大方,使用时间长等优点。 The guardrail covers 1 material as with a net: Mild steel wire , stainless steel silk , aluminium magnesium alloy silk. 2 weaves: Solder but become plexure. 3 use: Be used for the protection belt on both side of the expresshighway , railroad , bridge mainly; The airport , dock , the Xiang Kou safety protect; Park in municipal construction , lawn , zoo , lake pool, and the road and the residential district isolation protecting; Guesthouse , hotel , supermarket , place of recreation protection and decoration. Specification is various, but the need treating according to the customer books compose. . 4 product characteristics: