使用方法 | 錳檢測試劑使用說明書 用待測水樣沖洗比色管二次,取水樣10ml,滴加錳試劑(Ⅰ)14滴,搖勻,再加錳試劑(Ⅱ)14滴,搖勻放置5分鐘,再加錳試劑(Ⅲ)四小勺搖動,等試劑完全溶解後用手握比色管約10分鐘,自上而下目視比色,與色卡相近的色標即是水樣含錳量(mg/L)。若水樣混濁放置數分鐘,取上層清液測試。 Quick Guide for Manganese Detection Rinse with the sample water twice and then collect 10 mL. Add 14 drops of Agent I and mix gently. Add 14 drops of Agent II and mix gently. Incubate for 5 minutes. Add 4 spoons of Agent III and mix till dissolved. Compare the color of the mixture with the chart and find the nearest color to determine the content of Manganese (mg/L). Caution: precipitate the sample water if it looks thick. |