汽车轮毂轴承:Wheel bearings is mainly used for wheel bearings and the rotation, it provides accurate guide axial load and radial load, is a very important component. Traditional car wheel bearings for consists of two sets of tapered roller bearings or ball bearings, bearings, oil seal, installation and adjustment of the clearance is in the car on the production line. This structure makes it in the car factory assembly difficulty, the high cost and reliability, and car maintenance, also in points to cleaning, bearing with oil and adjustment. Wheel bearing unit is in standard Angle contact ball bearing and tapered roller bearings on the basis of the development of the two sets of bearings, it will be as an organic whole, have good performance can be omitted, assembling clearance adjustment, light weight, compact structure, load bearing capacity, for sealing grease can advance into the outer seal and hub, omission from the maintenance etc, and has been widely used in cars, trucks and has gradually expand the application trend.
适用车型: 大众:普桑、2000、3000、帕萨特B5、捷达、波罗、宝来;富康、夏利、吉利、羚羊、奥拓、奥迪、丰田、尼桑、本田、GM通用、马自达、拉达、菲亚特、雷诺、大宇、起亚、福特、标致、欧宝、奔驰、宝马、克莱撕勤、现代: 伊兰特、雅伸特、素纳塔、NF御翔 等。