V422:双踪40M,日本日立。Y轴灵敏度:5mv/div-5v/div, x5扩展最高1mv/div. X轴扫速0.2us/div, 有扩展X10。示波管方屏内刻度。外形尺寸:310X130X370(mm),重约:6.5kg 220v/30w The Hitachi V-422 (R) [V-222] *is a portable-type, advanced-class oscilloscope with a bandwidth of? DC to 40 MHz[20 MHz] designed with the emphasis on operability and port-ability and has a following features.? [ ] *: Specifications of V-222 (1) Wide bandwidth:The instrument has a bandwidth from DC to 40MHz[20 MHz.] (2) High sensitivity:Sensitivity is 1 mV/div (3) Large 6" screen:Employment of a large square CR1 makes waveformseasier to observe. (4) Internal graticule:Employment of an internal graticule CRT permits wave-forms observation to be made without parallax error. (5) DC OFFSET: Allows a proportionate observation of any part of an input waveform even when it is in a large amplitude. (6) ALT MAG Allows simultaneous observation of? X1 and X10 sweeping waveforms. (7) ALT TRIGEven an observation of two waveforms of different fre- quencies, the waveform of the each cannel is stably trig-gered. (8) TV synchronization:Employment of a new TV sync separator circuit allows theinstrument to observe TV signals stably. (9) Auto focusing:Focusing shift is automatically corrected. |