1. 标志和说明 Marking and instructions
2. 对触及带电部件的防护 Protection against access to live parts
3. 电动器具的启动 Starting of motor-operated appliances
4. 输入功率和电流 Power input and current
5. 发热 Heating
6. 工作温度下的泄漏电流和电气强度
Leakage current and electric strength at operating
7. 耐潮湿 Moisture resistance
8. 泄漏电流和电气强度 Leakage current and electric strength
9. 变压器和相关电路的过载保护
Overload protection of transformers and
associated circuits
10. 耐久性 Endurance
11. 非正常工作 Abnormal operation
12. 稳定性和机械危险 Stability and mechanical hazards
13. 机械强度 Mechanical strength
14. 结构 Construction
15. 内部布线 Internal wiring
16. 元件 Components
17. 电源连接和外部软线 Supply connection and external flexible cords
18. 外部导线用接线端子 Terminals for external conductors
19. 接地措施 Provision for earthing
20. 螺钉和连接 Screws and connections
21. 电气间隙、爬电距离和固体绝缘
Clearances, creepage distances and solid
22. 耐热和耐燃 Resistance to heat and fire
23. 防锈 Resistance to rusting
24. 辐射、毒性和类似危险 Radiation, toxicity and similar hazards
Shenzhen POCE Technology co.,Ltd