浙江浦江宏姿公司是一家专业生产各类水晶的实力企业,坐落于美丽的书画之乡,水晶之都---中国浦江宏姿公司以人为本,拥有了一大批优秀技术人员和管理人才。其产品典雅,雍容华贵,极具有皇家气派,在水晶中独树一帜。公司凭借雄厚的技术,开发出来整体的罗马式楼梯栏杆,扶手,以及整体罗马式台灯,床头灯及落地灯。产品已远销欧美,东南亚,中东地区,赢得了广大海内外客户的青睐 热烈欢迎新老客户惠顾宏姿公司,共同打造一片晶莹剔透的水晶天下。Zhejiang Hongzi Crystal Manufacture Company is a powerful enterprise specialized in producing various kinds of crastal aarticles. It is located in Pujiang , eastern part of china ,a nce town famous with calligraphy &prainting and also called a town of crystal . Taking customers benefits into full account ,hongzi company owns many superior technicians and managers. The crystal p...