磐安是"国家级生态示范区",又是"中国香菇之乡",磐安素有"群山之祖,诸水之源"之称,自然环境是得天独厚.这里景色怡人,物产丰富,出产的食用菌味鲜美,营养丰富,是无污染的优质产品. 磐安山村农特产有限公司是以生产 、加工、销售食用菌为一体的农产品加工企业,主要经营香菇、杏鲍菇、木耳、灰树花、鸡腿菇、巴西菇、滑子菇、牛肝菌、茶树菇、天麻、小京生、等家特产,品种多样,价格优惠,质量上乘. 公司理念是"顾客满意是我的心愿".坚持"诚信为本、质量第一、顾客至上"的宗旨,欢迎新老客户选购山村农特产 Pan An is a National Ecological Exanple A rea and is also the hometown of mushroom in China .Ithas been awarded the "mountains" abcestir abd ruvers "irugub" for its rich natural resources. In the beautful scenery and abundant resources the edible mushrooms planted here are tasty, nutritious and without pollutions. Pan An Village Agricultural Specialty Co.ltd is a processing company which integrates manufacturing, processing and distribution of edible mushrooms. Our main products include mushroom,boletus of the steppes,agarics,hen of the woods sitting-hen mushroom,lawyer's wig,murrill,nameko,boletus,southess poplar mushroom,gastrodia,tea and red peanut.We offer wide variety,good prices and excellent quality.