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萧邦手表维修点 授权萧邦手表维修保养

时间:2017-04-05 18:14




  手表受磁是手表最常见的故障之一,其发生往往让人防不胜防。我们的购买手表的时候,销售人员会提醒我们不要在磁场强度大的环境下使用,因为这样容易让手表受磁,从而影响手表的正常使用。那么出现这种情况应该怎么办?下面我们一起来听一听瑞亨专业的修表师傅是怎么说的。一、手表受磁是什么意思?手表里面的零部件一般都是金属的,那么遇到较强的磁场时,有些零部件就会被磁化,也就是带上磁性了。现在有些手表打出防磁手表的口号,但是仅仅是指一些主要零件,如摆轮、游丝、发条等是由防磁材料制成的,并不是所有的零部件都采用防磁材料。二、手表受磁有什么表现和危害?机械表的走时速度由游丝和摆轮控制。手表受磁后,磁力使得摆轮的摆动频率改变,于是齿轮系统的运转速度也就改变,手表走时发狂。手表游丝受磁容易吸附到一块,其有效长度也会受影响,从而导致手表走时不准。受磁后,手表有可能停,慢,或快。症状轻的,日误差几十秒。重症的,日误差达数分。手表受磁后,其磁性不会自己退去,需要作消磁修理才能恢复正常。三、怎样能够防止手表受磁?手表防磁最重要就是要远离较强的磁场。因为,磁场的强度和距离的2 次方成反比,随着距离的增大,磁场强度急剧衰减。普通防磁手表,只要离开上述磁物5cm以上就足够安全。即使是没标有防磁的手表,也只要离开更远一点(10cm以上)就行。日常生活中,只要稍为注意,就可以避开磁场对手表的危害,大可不必谈磁色变。日常手表不要过多接触:手机、电话听筒、电脑、收音机、提包的磁扣、冰箱门、电磁炉、磁手镯、磁枕头等。有些朋友晚上睡觉的时候会取下手表放在冰箱或者电视机上,这是不可取的。Watch magnetic watch is one of the most common fault, it often make people impossible to guard against. When we buy watches, the sales staff will remind us not to use the magnetic field strength of the environment, because it is easy to watch the magnetic, thereby affecting the normal use of watches. So what should happen to this situation?Let's listen ryham professional repair master table is how to say.A watch by the magnetic what does it mean?Watches inside the parts are generally metal, and then encountered a strong magnetic field, some parts will be magnetized, that is, with the magnetic. Now some watches made antimagnetic watch slogan, but only refers to some main parts, such as the balance, and a hairspring is made of magnetic material, and not all of the parts by antimagnetic material.Two, watches by the magnetic performance and harm?Mechanical watches go faster by the spring and balance control. Watch magnetic, magnetic wheel makes the swing frequency change, so the speed of the gear system will change, watch. Watch hairspring is easy to be adsorbed to the magnetic piece, the effective length will also be affected, resulting in inaccurate watch. After the magnetic field, the watch is likely to stop, slow, or fast. Mild symptoms, the daily error of tens of seconds. Severe, the daily error of a few points. Watch magnetic, the magnetic will not recede, need to make repairs to restore normal degaussing.Three, how to prevent the watch from the magnetic?The most important is to stay away from watch antimagnetic strong magnetic field. Because the intensity of the magnetic field and the distance of the 2 square is inversely proportional, with the increase of distance, the intensity of the magnetic field is sharply decreased. As long as the ordinary antimagnetic watch, leaving the magnetic objects above 5cm is safe enough. Even if it is not marked with magnetic watch, as long as a little farther away (above 10cm) on the line. In daily life, as long as a little attention, you can avoid the harm of magnetic watch, no need to talk about magnetic color.Don't watch too many daily contact: mobile phone, telephone, computer, radio, bag buckle, magnetic refrigerator door, induction cooker, magnetic bracelet, magnetic pillow etc.. Some friends go to bed at night when they take a watch on the refrigerator or TV, which is not desirable.