New for a new headlights, but in the days after the rain and found entirely is the moisture inside the lamp, a drop of water, far from looking over like a bottomless pit, very ugly. This is what causes it, almost entirely on the maintenance of good or Xu is no good, that today we Jinan Audi automobile specialist company Xiaobian to introduce is the headlights of a car maintenance knowledge.
The formation of water vapor, water droplets reason:
man-made factors such as water cleaning directly start cabin, start the machine intermittent fever a vapor into the headlight, another car wading, modified headlamps and the like, will happen headlamps tearful, because offer riders please accurate run car maintenance, to refrain from listening to without special industry figures of the proposal and modification, so as to form the unnecessary loss.
temperature difference, whether it is what headlamps, is on the rear lid will once through respiratory tract, after through respiratory tract to maintain thermal pingdiao headlamps, if the temperature difference is too large, will form headlamps heat pingdiao changes too big but all of a sudden the lights in the atmosphere of water vapor is discharged in time, before the formation of the condensed droplets is lampumbrella, then only the headlights, is half hour can be removed, if time is short without removing to consider ventilating duct obstruction or headlight seal strict no.
the head lamp headlamp quality problem, this situation normal comparison difficult to detect clear reason, may sometimes be seal is not good, and sometimes may once small trachoma, if headlamps water beyond two days did not go, base nature enough identified quality problems, proposal to find manufacturers claim.
How to pay attention to the prevention of headlight water and water after the solution:
We as far as possible to the dismantling of the headlight, and some headlight modification, as to prevent damage to the headlight.
the water from the water droplets, this is the best to open the headlight to do the wind gun to slow down the flow of air.
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