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  陆良的栽桑养蚕技术起源于清朝末年,经过100多年的辛勤努力,现已形成产业规模,有效桑园面积12万余亩,年产鲜茧8千余吨。陆良沃丰科技有限公司,创业于2004年,依托陆良得天独厚的栽桑养蚕自然环境,整合产业优秀科技管理人才,与全国同仁携手合作,专业从事茧、丝及丝制品的开发、生产、销售。旗下“沃丰”品牌蚕丝被、丝绒被、丝巾被等系列精品,倍受消费者赞誉。 Venture in 2004 to Luliang silkworm silk resource advantages based on the integration of excellence in technology management industry, working together with the National Associates, specializing in the cocoon, silk and silk products development, production, marketing. Its "Wo Fung" brand silk quilt, wool quilt, silk quilt, silk blanket, silk pajamas, T-shirts, underwear underwear, neckties, scarves and so fine Goods, consumers much praise. Today, the company to pursue and further the practice of a higher developmentgoals.