If the smell has existed in cold storage, then you can eliminate odor removal method for ozone freezer with cold smell, ozone has strong oxidation, refrigerated storage can not only eliminate odor, but also prevent the growth of microorganisms.
采用臭氧发生器,可实现对库房异味的排除。若冷库内存放含脂肪较多的食品时,则不宜采用臭氧处理,以免脂肪氧化而产生酸败现象。 山东冷库安装
The ozone generator can be used to eliminate peculiar smell in warehouse. If the cold storage containing more fat food, can not use ozone treatment, so as to avoid fat oxidation and rancidity phenomenon.
Formaldehyde method. The cold storage in the warehouse the goods out, with 2% formaldehyde aqueous solution (i.e. formalin solution) for disinfection and odor elimination.
Exclude, store seafood freezer can also use vinegar by cold smell of vinegar, for the cold storage of seafood, fish as an example.泰安冷库安装
Fish with refrigerated storage, the smell of fish is very heavy. Not with other food, must be thoroughly cleaned out the smell of fish before they can mount the other food.