

验、先进的工艺设备,在日益激烈的市场竞争中不断发展壮大。 我公司经过多年的开发创新,已经研制出自己的品牌们携手共创美好的明天。 产品十余种,如:JF-ZY1000A型、JF-ZY1500A型、JF-ZY200A型、JF-ZY6-15A型(全自动)、JF-ZY8-20A型、JF-ZY10-25A型全自动、JF-ZY12-25A型多功能墙地砖成型机;JF-350A、JF-500A型卧式混凝土搅拌机及振捣器等.2006年以来我公司又最新研制成功日本最新技术的JF-MZ4型多功能全自动砌块成型生产线.及专门用于铁路的JF-ZY1500B型铁路预制品成型机. 我公司产品畅销全国各省市自治区并出口到日本、阿尔巴尼亚、蒙古、马来西亚、哈萨克斯坦、伊朗、科威特、阿富汗、孟加拉、西班牙、吉布提、马里、索马里等多个国家,并与非洲以及印度等国家建立长期友好合作的关系,深受广大国内外客户好评。 多年来的发展创新历程,造就了建丰“诚信、务实、创新、协作”的时代企业精神,塑造了建丰人“忠于企业、爱岗敬业、实干进取、团结高效、奋发向上”的职业素养与道德品质。凭借如此强大的精神力量与软件资源,建丰取得了累累硕果。“以质量求生存,以信誉求发展”是我厂一贯的经营宗旨,我们以一流的技术,一流的产品,一流的售后服务来报答广大用户对我们的支持与信赖,我们热诚欢迎国内外新老客户的惠顾、交流、合作,让我们携手共创美好的明天。


Tianjin Jianfeng Hydraulic Machinery Factory is located at the Development zone, Ji County, Tianjin, and in the central gore-shaped belt among Beijing, Tianjin and Tangshan, with convenient transportation and excellent conditions of human grography. With abundant capital and technology, advanced production equipments, complete testing equipments and a group of high-level technical personnel, our factory has the ability to research and develop new products, and has continuously been introducing the domestic and foreign advanced experience of both technology and business management, and took the lead in passing the confirmation of ISO 9001:2000 International Quality Management System, and is able to ensure the reliability of the products’ quality through strictly monitoring each step of production & inspection. Through many years’ development and innovation, we have researched and manufactured some dozens of brand products, such as semiautomatic equipments JF-ZY 1000A, JFZY1500A, JFZY1500B, JFZY2000A; automatic equipments JF-ZY4-20, JF-ZY6-15A, JF-ZY8-20A, JF-ZY10-25A, JF-ZY12-25A, JF-MZ4 multifunctional wall & floor brick forming machines, and JF-350,FS500, JS750 and JS1000 horizontal type concrete mixing machines, batching machines and vibrator etc. which receive favorable comments from most customers; we also established branch offices all over China so as to ensure the convenient and quick service. “Survival relies on quality, and development relies on credit standing” being our tenet of business, we respond to the support and trust of users with first-class technology and products as well as after-sales service, and wholeheartedly welcome new & old customers at home and abroad to our factory for communication and cooperation, and let us create a bright future together.