"Object", so it is considered by us to be physical; and by the words and memories filled with the perception becomes a "perception", it becomes a "subject" part, and we think it is psychological of. Perception is only an event, neither true nor false; but the words to enrich the perception is a judge, you can have true or false. This judgment is called "perception judgment". The meaning of "knowledge is consciousness" must be interpreted as "knowledge is consciousness judgment". It is only in this form may be grammar is correct. And then back to similar and not similar problems up; when I was aware of the two colors, it is very likely that their similarity and dissimilarity are part of the feeling and material, and can be used to confirm the perception to be sure. Plato's argument is that we do not have sensory organs that can be perceived similarly and not similar
生态农业项目规划设计、 旅游观光项目规划设计、城乡建造规划设计、 住宅小区规划设计、物流园区规划设计、养老项目规划设计、景观设计项目规划、道路绿化规划设计、河道整治规划项目 、美丽乡村规划设计、酒店规划设计、医院规划设计、学校规划设计等规划文本
云南省十三五规划摘要:Which is ignoring the cerebral cortex and that all sensory organs must be on the surface of the body. The argument that similarity and dissimilarity are considered to be included in the possible perception and material are as follows. Suppose we see two colors A and B, assuming we judge "A and B similar". Let us further assume that such judgments are as correct as Plato's, and that in particular, it is correct in the circumstances we are investigating. So there is a similar relationship between A and B, and not just from our side to determine the similarity or not when a judge. Because if only we have to judge, then it will be an arbitrary judgment, and can not have true or false. Since it is clearly possible to have true or false, the similarity exists between A and B, not just some "mental" thing. "A and B similar" This judgment is true (
If it is true), but because there is a "fact", just as "A is red" or "A is round" this judgment is the same. The perception of similarity is not more than the perception of color by the mind. I now talk about the existence, which is Plato is extremely emphasized. He said that with regard to voices and colors we have an idea that can contain both, that is, they exist. There is something that belongs to everything, and one of those things that the mind itself can know; it is impossible to reach the truth without reaching it. Here we argue against Plato's argument, which is totally different from the argument that is similar to the above. The argument here is that Plato's bad words about the existence of all words are bad grammar. This is not only important to Plato's relationship, but also for other topics (such as the existence of God