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迪庆州 园区建设项目详细规划 立项报告

时间:2017-03-23 14:33

  Applies to logical and mathematical abstract text, these words (we have seen) can only be applied to the form of proposition rather than propositional content. So here we find the logic and mathematics are special. Plato was influenced by the Pythagoras, and too much of the other knowledge was summed up in mathematics. He made the mistake with many of the greatest philosophers, but it was a mistake after all. [19] Aristotle 's metaphysics read any important philosopher, and especially reading Aristotle, we need it. From two aspects to study him: that reference to his predecessors and reference to his descendants. On the previous hand, the advantage of Aristotle is extremely great




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  云南省十三五规划摘要:On the one hand, then his shortcomings are also extremely great. However, for his shortcomings, his descendants have more responsibility than he has. He was born when the Greek thought to create the end of the period; and he died after two thousand years, the world has produced any can be considered to be able to match his philosopher. Until the end of this long period, his authority was almost always the same as the authority of the Christian Church, and it was, as in science, as in philosophy, a serious obstacle to progress. Since the beginning of the seventeenth century, almost every kind of serious knowledge

  The progress of knowledge must begin with the attack of an Aristotelian doctrine; in logic, the situation is still the case today. But if any of his predecessors (perhaps except Democritus) had the same authority as him, that would be at least the same disaster. In order to be fair to him, we must first forget his excessive reputation behind, and the resulting excess of the same behind the blame. Aristotle was born in Stagirah, Thorez, 384 BC. His father inherited the post of Macedonian's physician. Aristotle was about 18 years old when he came to Athens to be a student of Plato; he stayed in the academy for almost two decades until 348-347 BC