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永平县 生态旅游项目详细规划 立项报告

时间:2017-03-23 14:33

  How many forms of things (these forms are spherical cases), then he must make fundamental changes to his philosophy. For example, each of his forms is equivalent to its essential point of view, and the above suggested that this way out of reach. The doctrine of material and form in Aristotelian philosophy is related to the difference between potential and reality. A single material is thought to be a form of a potential; a thing after the change than before the change has more forms, in this sense all the changes are we will call it "evolution" of that Kind of thing. Those who have more forms are considered to be more "real". God is pure form and pure reality; so God can not change. We can see this doctrine




  生态农业项目规划设计、 旅游观光项目规划设计、城乡建造规划设计、 住宅小区规划设计、物流园区规划设计、养老项目规划设计、景观设计项目规划、道路绿化规划设计、河道整治规划项目 、美丽乡村规划设计、酒店规划设计、医院规划设计、学校规划设计等规划文本


  云南省十三五规划摘要:Is the optimist and teleological: in this doctrine, the whole universe and the universe of all things are toward a certain constantly become more beautiful than the past and the development of things. The concept of potential is very convenient in some respects, as long as we use it to translate our expressions into a form that does not include this concept. "A piece of marble is a potential statue", that is to say, "from a piece of marble through the appropriate processing can produce a statue." But when the potential is used as a fundamental simpler concept, it tends to conceal the confusion of thought. Aristotle's application to it is one of the shortcomings of his system. Aristotle's theology is very interesting, and his metaphysics

  The rest is closely linked, and indeed the "theology" is one of the names of the kind of thing he calls us to call "metaphysics". (We know that the metaphysical name of the book, Aristotle himself did not call it.) He said there are three kinds of substance: that is, one can feel and can be destroyed, one can feel But can not be destroyed, and then one can not feel and can not be destroyed. The first category includes plants and animals, and the second category includes celestial bodies (Aristotle believes that they are not changed except motion), the third category includes the human soul and the gods. Proving that God's main argument is that the original must have something to produce movement, and that the thing itself must be immobile and eternal