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祥云县 农业观光项目详细规划 立项报告

时间:2017-03-23 14:33

  When we were able to discuss it, we would have noticed that the issues we were discussing were quite different from what we had originally imagined. So if I could not make it clear that Aristotle's theory was common, it was (I insisted) because it was not clear. But it is indeed a progress on the idea, and it is related to a real and very important issue. Another term is very important among Aristotle and his transcendental successors, and that is the term "essence". The term "common" is by no means synonymous. Your "nature" is "your nature of the provisions of your you". It can be said that it is some of your attributes, if you lose those attributes do not become your own




  生态农业项目规划设计、 旅游观光项目规划设计、城乡建造规划设计、 住宅小区规划设计、物流园区规划设计、养老项目规划设计、景观设计项目规划、道路绿化规划设计、河道整治规划项目 、美丽乡村规划设计、酒店规划设计、医院规划设计、学校规划设计等规划文本


  云南省十三五规划摘要:The Not only an individual thing is essential, and each category also has the essence. The definition of a category should include its essence. I will also talk about the relationship between the concept of "nature" and Aristotelian logic. At the moment I just need to say that I think it is a mindset of a move that is simply impossible to be accurate. Aristotle's metaphysics is another difference between "form" and "material". (It must be understood that the "material" in the sense of "form" is different from the "material" that is opposed to the "mind.") ① "material", "material" There is also a common sense of the theory of Aristotle, but here the Platonic transformation is more important than the common question

  want. We can proceed from a marble statue; where marble is the material, and the shape of the sculptor is shaped. Or, with Aristotle's example, if a man makes a copper ball, then the copper is the material, the ball is the form; to calm the sea, for example, water is the material, calm is the form. So far, everything is simple. He continued, it is by virtue of the form, the material became a certain thing, and this is the essence of things. Aristotle's meaning seems to be plain common sense: a "thing" must be bounded, and the bounds form its form. For example, there is a certain volume of water: with a bottle of any part of the water installed and the rest of the water can be separated, so this