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德钦县 旅游项目总体规划 可行性报告

时间:2017-03-23 14:33

  Pro so that he would not be naked and placed to watch his one of the old taste of the old pedantic, but also to see him as anything else. Alexander did a tribute to the civilization of Athens, but it was shared by his entire dynasty, and they all wanted to prove that he was not a barbarian. This is very similar to the nineteenth century Russian aristocracy for the kind of feelings of Paris. So this can not be attributed to the influence of Aristotle. And in Alexandria, I do not see any other things that might come from Aristotle's influence. ② "ethical" 1170b. Even more amazing, Alexander's influence on Aristotle was so small that Aristotle's thinking of politics was as easy as the fact that the city Of the times have given way to the empire of the times. I suspect that Aristotle has always considered Alexander




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  云南省十三五规划摘要:It is only "a debauchery and stubborn child, is never able to understand a little philosophy." In general, the contact between the two great men seems to be fruitless, as if the two are living in different worlds in general. From 335 BC to 323 BC (Alexander died in this last year), Aristotle lived in Athens. In the past twelve years he established his academy and wrote most of his writings. Alexander died, and the Athenians rebelled against and attacked Alexander's friends, including Aristotle, and Aristotle was sentenced to not divorce, but he was not like Socrates, he flew out to avoid being tortured The The second year (322 BC) he died. Aristotle as a philosopher, in many ways and all his predecessors are very different. He was the first person to speak like a professor

  The theory is systematic, his discussion is also differentiated, he is a professional teacher rather than a inspired by the prophets. His works are critical, meticulous, trivial, and without any traces of Barkus's passionism. The Alfus ingredient in Plato's thought was diluted in Aristotle, and was mixed into a strong sense of common sense; in the place where he was rich in Plato, we felt that his natural temperament was The training he suffered was overwhelming. He is not warm, and in any profound sense is not religious. His predecessor's mistake was the glorious mistake of the young man's quest for something impossible; but his mistake was the kind of error that the old man could not bring himself off from the custom of the custom. He is most