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金沙县 园区建设项目详细规划 立项报告

时间:2017-03-21 15:26

  Off the word "Hamlet". But in most cases, it is very obvious that what we are saying is not the word, but the word means something. So this brings us back to Parmenides' argument, that is, if a word can be applied to it, it necessarily means something rather than nothing, so the word means Of the things will inevitably exist in a sense. But what should we say about George Washington? It seems that we can only have two options: one is that he still exists; the other is that when we use the "George Washington" when the words, we are not actually talking about the name The man. Both seem to be a paradox, but the latter seems to be less difficult, and I will try to point out that it can be true in a sense. Parmenides think vocabulary




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