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揭阳市东山区东阳企荣不锈钢餐具厂位于享誉“中国五金基地”美称的揭阳市,毗邻汕头、深圳、珠江三大经济特区,便捷的交通、配套齐全的产业链为企业的发展提供了强劲的成本优势和市场网络的辐射带动优势。 公司是一家集研发、生产、销售为一体的现代化技术企业。主要生产经营各种高、中、低档不锈钢餐具、陶瓷柄餐具、不锈钢厨具、陶瓷柄厨具等家居用品、赠品、礼品、广告促销品,产品设计新颖、包装精美、价格实惠。自经营以来公司产品受到新老客户的一致好评,且产品远销欧美、东亚、东南亚等20多个国家和地区。 公司一贯坚持以“质量求生存,信誉促发展,顾客至上”的经营宗旨,坚持“客户第一”的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。竭诚欢迎国内外新老客户来厂参观指导,来图来样加工,来电洽谈业务。 The dongyangqirong stainless steel cutlery factory is located in Dongshan District, Jieyang City, Where has been known as "the famous hardware base "and where adjoins the three of special economic zone of Shantou, Shenzhen and the Pearl River. There has a convenient transportation and a complete industrial chain for the development of enterprises to provide a strong radiation driven advantage of cost advantages and market network. The company is a research and development, production, sales as one of the modern technology. The main production consist of a variety of different rank of stainless steel tableware, ceramic handle cutlery, stainless steel kitchenware, ceramic handle kitchenware and other household items. Such as supplies, gifts, advertising promotions .At the same time, the style of production have modern design, beautiful package and affordable prices. The company's production has been praised by new and old customers since the operation and the products are exported to Europe, America, East Asia, Southeast Asia more than 20 countries and regions. we not only has consistently adhered to the "quality of survival, reputation and promote development, customer first" business purpose but also insist on the "customers first" principle to provide our clients with quality services. We sincerely welcome new and old customers abroad to visit our factory, and plans to sample processing, calls business negotiations.