DIN472孔用卡簧挡圈 内卡簧环 紧固件止动环卡勒屿金制造

名称:DIN472孔用卡簧挡圈 内卡簧环 紧固件止动环卡勒屿金制造






联系人:王意亭 (请说在中科商务网上看到)





  DIN 472 Internal Retaining Ring

  卡簧英文:Circlip. 比较常用的有轴卡(STW)和孔卡(RTW),嘉善卡勒生产主要是使用65MN的弹簧钢。还有SS420不绣钢 对应标准为国标。而国内质量比较好的属台湾省生产的卡簧。中国台湾省生产的卡簧主要以日标为准,材质为SK7的弹簧钢。国外著名的品牌有美国联合弹簧的SPEC卡簧。


  孔用弹性挡圈A 标准 GB/T 893.1 86

  轴用弹性挡圈A 标准 GB/T 894. 1 86

  重型孔用弹性挡圈 标准 JB/ZQ4341 - 97

  重型轴用弹性挡圈 标准 JB/ZQ4342-97

  孔用挡圈—带内凸 耳型,内凸耳孔用卡簧 ·

  DIN 983 轴用挡圈—带外凸耳型,凸耳轴用卡簧

  供应DIN984 孔用挡圈-带内凸耳型


  弹性挡圈轴承挡圈 弹簧挡圈不锈钢挡圈 挡圈标准挡圈规格卡圈汽车配件

  轴用开口弹性挡圈 Lock washers (retaining washers) for shafts

  DIN 6799

  孔用挡圈—标准型和重型 Circlips (retaining rings) for bores - Normal type and heavy type

  DIN 472

  轴用挡圈—带外凸耳型 Retaining rings with lugs for use on shafts (external circlips)

  DIN 983

  轴用钢丝挡圈及挡圈槽 Round wire snap rings and snap ring grooves for shafts and bores

  DIN 7993

  轴用挡圈—标准型和重型 Circlips (retaining rings)for shafts - Normal type and heavy type

  DIN 471

  孔用挡圈—带内凸耳型 Spring retaining rings with lugs for use in bores (internal circlips)

  DIN 984

  Circlips(retaining rings)for shafts

  DIN 471

  Circlips(retaining rings)for bores

  DIN 472

  Retaining rings with lugs

  DIN 983

  Spring retaining rings with lugs

  DIN 984

  Lock washers

  DIN 6799

  Round wire snap rings and snap ring grooves. For shafts bores

  DIN 7993

  锥销锁紧挡圈 Lock rings with cone pin

  GB/T 883-86 | UDC 621.885 | 代替GB883-76

  螺钉锁紧挡圈 Lock ring with screw

  GB/T 884-86 | UDC 621.885 | 代替GB884-76

  带锁圈的螺钉锁紧挡圈 Lock rings with screw and circlip

  GB/T 885-86 | UDC 621.885 | 代替GB885-76

  轴肩挡圈 Rings for shoulder

  GB/T 886-86 | UDC 621.885 | 代替GB886-76

  螺钉紧固轴端挡圈 Lock rings at the end of shaft with screw

  GB/T 891-86 | UDC 621.885 | 代替GB891-76

  螺栓紧固轴端挡圈 Lock rings at the end of shaft with bolt

  GB/T 892-86 | UDC 621.885 | 代替GB892-76

  孔用弹性挡圈-A型 Circlips for holes-type A

  GB/T 893.1-86 | UDC 621.885 | 代替GB893-76

  孔用弹性挡圈-B型 Circlips for hole-type B

  GB/T 893.2-86 | UDC 621.885

  轴用弹性挡圈-A型 Circlips for shaft-type A

  GB/T 894.1-86 | UDC 621.885 | 代替GB894-76

  轴用弹性挡圈-B型 Circlips for shaft-type B

  GB/T 894.2-86 | UDC 621.885

  孔用钢丝挡圈 Roundwire snap rings for hole

  GB/T 895.1-86 | UDC 621.885 | 代替GB895-76

  轴用钢丝挡圈 Roundwire snap rings for shaft

  GB/T 895.2-86 | UDC 621.885 | 代替GB895-76

  开口挡圈 “E”rings

  GB/T 896-86 | UDC 621.885 | 代替GB896-76

  钢丝锁圈 Round wire circlips

  GB/T 921-86 | UDC 621.885 | 代替GB921-76

  夹紧挡圈 Grip rings

  GB/T 960-86 | UDC 621.885 | 代替GB960-76