Fluxofil 38瑞士奥林康焊丝Mn2NiCrMo MM1H5瑞士奥林康焊丝E110C-G H4瑞士奥林康焊丝Fluxofil M42瑞士奥林康焊丝
Fluxofil M42 is a seamless copper coated metal cored wire with outstanding welding characteristics in the short-arc andspray-arc ranges. Almost spatter-free when welding in the spray-arc range. Good restriking, even with a cold wire tip, thusbeing suitable for robotic applications. Characteristic features: good side wall fusion, smooth and finely rippled welds withoutundercut into the base metal. Little formation of silicates on the weld surface, so that multi-pass welds can be made withoutinter-run cleaning. Due to the easily controllable weld pool in the short-arc range, Fluxofil M 42 is suitable for POSTTTIONalwelding.