esab atom arc t瑞典伊萨E11018M低合金焊条
时间:2023-10-19 16:32
esab atom arc t瑞典伊萨E11018M低合金焊条7018-1焊条
销售瑞典伊萨低合金焊条焊丝 高强钢焊条焊丝 进口焊条进口焊丝等特种焊接材料
Atom Arc T was developed for welding T-1 steel in all applications. Mechanical properties of the welded joints equal or exceed the properties of the base steel in either the as welded or stress relieved condition, thus giving 100% design joint efficiency. In addition, Atom Arc T electrodes are suitable for many other applications, particularly where high-strength welds with excellent low temperature impact properties are required.