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  吉林市铸邦石化机械有限公司成立于1999年,是专业从事压力管道元件产品的机械加工型企业。公司坐落在国内最适合开设工厂的城市吉林市,距省会长春80公里,有高速公路、铁路直通全国,交通便利。公司占地面积20000平方米,现有员工百余人,高、中级技术人员20人,拥有各种机械加工设备、锻压设备、铆焊加工的通用设备和密封垫片加工专用设备69台。主要产品有压力管道上用的各种材质标准法兰、过滤器、紧固件、密封垫片等,所有产品均采用美国标准ASME、ANSI、德国标准DIN、日本标准JIS、国内GB/T、SH、HG、JB等标准生产,非标产品均可按用户提供的技术图纸资料加工生产。我公司产品广泛应用于石油化工、石油天然气、液化气、化肥、电厂、造船、造纸、城建等行业。铸邦公司以科学的生产工艺、严格的质量管理、先进的服务理念、合理的产品价格,在广大用户中赢得了良好的声誉。我公司一直以“高信誉、高品质、高效率”为经营理念,已获得国家质检局颁发的中华人民共和国特种设备制造许可资质。并成为中国石油石化定点加工企业,同时被评为一级供应网络成员单位。The ZhuBang Corporation is a full-line manufacturer of both a standard and specialized application flanges. The management of ZhuBang has had many years of experience building flanges that are appropriate to the changing needs of the energy industry at large. We make it our business to identify and respond to your requirements as operations expand into harsher and more demanding environments. Whatever the application, ZhuBang furnishes forged flanges with the chemistry and physical properties that specifically accommodate payload and variable operating conditions.ZhuBang Corporation flanges can also be used in the food processing industry, beverage processing, and the pulp and paper industry. In addition to flanges, we are also able to supply many other different forging and machined parts. Just let us know your requirements. we will be happy to hear and advise. ZhuBang Corporation is a modern ten-acre facility that expands continually to meet the growing needs of our multiple marketplaces. The employees of ZhuBang are committed to providing unparalleled quality and service to meet the needs of their customers.