DKT系列适用于工矿企业、宾馆、大型商场等建筑设施的各种大小规格的空调箱、风机柜式空调机组、中央空调机组和各种净化设备,具有通用性强、效率较高、噪声较低、风量大等特点。输送不自燃、无腐蚀性气体,温度在20°C ~60°C气体,含尘量和其他固体的含量≤100mg/m2
It is an ideal corollary product forcentral air-conditioner equipment ofdifferent specifications, heating andventilating air conditioner, purifier,ventilator and other equipment. Ithas high versatility, high efficiency,low noise, large volume and otherfeatures. The air it transferred shallnot contain any flammable,corrosive material with thetemperature of air at -20Cto 60C,dust and grain and theconcentration shall not exceed100mg/m.