Mainly introduce dust-free purification workshop installation of purification equipment:
2、进入无尘净化车间之前先进入缓冲区,缓冲区门安装电子互锁,更衣处放置洁净储衣柜,空气 清新机。
2, dust-free purification workshop before into the buffer, buffer electronic door interlock, put change clothes closet, clean fresh air machine.
Three, dust-free purification workshop to install into the wind system, air filter box, the central purification air-conditioning (central to purify the air conditioning is divided into the early effect/effective/efficient three filter section) has high efficiency air supply outlet end. If necessary also with purify the plenum chamber.
4, the people and goods in dust-free purification workshop shall cover, air shower room, shower room, transfer window main deliver small items. Fourth, dust-free purification workshop in local level 10-1000 need to install the vertical laminar flow workbench, laminar flow hood (head), clean the shed (portable purification work shed), since the net. Use clean room cleanliness measurement, laser dust particle counter