供应 CY8C6245LQI-S3D42 英飞凌低功耗MCU
32-bit Dual CPU Subsystem
■ 150-MHz Arm® Cortex®-M4F (CM4) CPU with single-cycle multiply, floating point, and memory protection unit (MPU)
■ 100-MHz Cortex-M0+ (CM0+) CPU with single-cycle multiply and MPU
■ User-selectable core logic operation at either 1.1 V or 0.9 V
■ Active CPU current slope with 1.1-V core operation
■ Active CPU current slope with 0.9-V core operation
■ Three DMA controllers
Memory Subsystem
■ 512-KB application flash, 32-KB auxiliary flash (AUXflash), and 32-KB supervisory flash (SFlash); read-while-write (RWW) support. Two 8-KB flash caches, one for each CPU.
■ 256-KB SRAM with programmable power control and retention granularity
■ One-time-programmable (OTP) 1-Kb eFuse array
Low-Power 1.7-V to 3.6-V Operation
■ Six power modes for fine-grained power management
■ Deep Sleep mode current of 7 μA with 64-KB SRAM retention
■ On-chip DC-DC buck converter, <1 μA quiescent current
■ Backup domain with 64 bytes of memory and real-time clock
Flexible Clocking Options
■ 8-MHz internal main oscillator (IMO) with ±2% accuracy
■ Ultra-low-power 32-kHz internal low-speed oscillator (ILO)
■ On-chip crystal oscillators (16 to 35 MHz, and 32 kHz)
■ Phase-locked loop (PLL) for multiplying clock frequencies
■ Frequency-locked loop (FLL) for multiplying IMO frequency
■ Integer and fractional peripheral clock dividers
Quad-SPI (QSPI)/Serial Memory Interface (SMIF)
■ Execute-In-Place (XIP) from external quad SPI flash
■ On-the-fly encryption and decryption
■ 4-KB cache for greater XIP performance with lower power
■ Supports single, dual, and quad interfaces with throughput up to 320 Mbps
Segment LCD Drive
■ Supports up to 63 segments and up to 8 commons.
■ Operates in system Deep Sleep mode
Serial Communication
■ Seven run-time configurable serial communication blocks (SCBs)
■ USB Full-Speed device interface
■ One SD Host Controller/eMMC/SD controller
■ One CAN FD block
Timing and Pulse-Width Modulation
■ Twelve timer/counter/pulse-width modulators (TCPWMs)
■ Center-aligned, edge, and pseudo-random modes
■ Comparator-based triggering of kill signals
Programmable Analog
■ 12-bit 2-Msps SAR ADC with differential and single-ended
modes and 16-channel sequencer with result averaging
■ Two low-power comparators available in system Deep Sleep
and Hibernate modes
■ Built-in temperature sensor connected to ADC
Up to 64 Programmable GPIOs
■ Two Smart I/O™ ports (8 I/Os) enable Boolean operations on
GPIO pins; available during system Deep Sleep
■ Programmable drive modes, strengths, and slew rates
■ Two overvoltage-tolerant (OVT) pins
Capacitive Sensing
■ Cypress CapSense® sigma-delta (CSD) provides best-in-class
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), liquid tolerance, and proximity
■ Enables dynamic usage of both self and mutual sensing
■ Automatic hardware tuning (SmartSense™)
Security Built into Platform Architecture
■ ROM-based root of trust via uninterruptible “Secure Boot”
■ Authentication during boot using hardware hashing
■ Step-wise authentication of execution images
■ Secured execution of code in execute-only mode for protected
■ All debug and test ingress paths can be disabled
■ Up to eight protection contexts
Cryptography Accelerator
■ Hardware acceleration for symmetric and asymmetric
cryptographic methods and hash functions
■ True random number generation (TRNG) function
■ 100 TQFP, 68 QFN, 49 WLCSP
Device Identification and Revisions
■ Product line ID (12-bit): 0x105
■ Major/Minor die revision ID: 1/2
■ Firmware revisions: ROM Boot: 7.1, Flash Boot: (see Boot Code section)
This product line has a JTAG ID which is available through the SWJ interface. It is a 32-bit ID, where:
■ The most significant digit is the device revision, based on the Major Die Revision
■ The next four digits correspond to the part number, for example "E4B0" as a hexadecimal number
■ The three least significant digits are the manufacturer ID, in this case "069" as a hexadecimal number