金华俊杰工艺品厂,是一家专业生产交通路锥、三角警示牌、安全帽、反光背心、手腕带、指挥棒等防护系列的优胜企业。工厂拥有先进的机器设备、精确的加工技术、严格的管理方法。由于产品规格齐全,质量符合国家出口标准,各款产品远销欧、美、中东、东南亚等国家和地区,深受海内外客户的信赖。 我们将“以质量求生存,以信誉求发展”为宗旨。以最热情的服务,最优惠的价格欢迎海内外客商来函、来电洽谈合作。 JinHua Junjie Crafts Factory is a professional production of Traffic Cone, warning triangle, safety helmets, reflective vests, wrist bands, baton and other protective series winning companies. The factory has a state-of-the-art machinery and equipment, precision processing technology, strict management. The complete product specifications, quality in line with national export standards, sections of the products are e...