fool deck email:aiplus@.com
The floor steel deck floor steel deckreplaces the lower steel bar completely, and reduces the quantity of the steel reinforcement on the spot, thereby reducing the labor quantity on the spot and speeding up the construction speed. At the same time, the original design of lower reinforcement can provide more space for laying wires and wires in the floor;
When floor steel deckis only bent according to the span, the steel floor steel deckcan be connected with the steel beam, because the bottom of the slab is smooth, and there is enough joint area with the steel beam. Therefore, no treatment can be directly laid in the past (to avoid opening floor steel deckand steel beam and a virtual cut patch);
The floor of the closed building has a flat bottom and a web board, and can provide various treatment methods of the ceiling board according to the different functions and needs of various rooms.
Because of the flat bottom of the bearing plate, the steel floor steel deckcan be fully combined with the upper wing floor steel deckof the steel beam regardless of the steel beam or the horizontal beam. Therefore, the top floor steel deckof the upper wing of the steel beam does not need to be sprayed with fireproof paint. The openings between the steel floor steel deckand the steel beam are void and need to be filled with holes in the shoulder;
Because of the flat bottom of the bearing plate, the steel floor steel deckcan be fully combined with the upper wing floor steel deckof the steel beam regardless of the steel beam or the horizontal beam. Therefore, the top floor steel deckof the upper wing of the steel beam does not need to be sprayed with fireproof paint. The openings between the steel floor steel deckand the steel beam are void and need to be filled with holes in the shoulder;
When floor steel deckis only bent according to the span, the steel floor steel deckcan be connected with the steel beam, because the bottom of the slab is smooth, and there is enough joint area with the steel beam. Therefore, no treatment can be directly laid in the past (to avoid opening floor steel deckand steel beam and a virtual cut patch);
首先是材质:材质俗称有235 和345的区别,其次是镀锌含量,镀锌含量的多少决定了原材料的价格的高低。再次就是镀锌板的厚度与宽度。一般来说都是进料的宽度*进料的厚度*原材料成本价+加工费+利润+税金构成总价。目前竞争激烈,市场上价格是五花八门,那我们买到合理优质的产品,一般就是要自己核算下原材料成本。钢材的价格这么透明,不可能来去较大,如果人家报给您的楼承板价格比原材料的价格还低,那就要值得考虑考虑了