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时间:2018-11-20 16:47




  The rib angle of the support floor steel deckof the closed building enables the concrete to hold more force on the floor support plate, and the composite floor floor steel deckachieves the real combined action;

  The closed building floor steel deckcan completely replace the tensile steel bar with positive bending moment in the floor, and does not need to spray fireproof paint to reach the 2 hours' refractory aging;

  Because of the flat bottom of the bearing plate, the steel floor steel deckcan be fully combined with the upper wing floor steel deckof the steel beam regardless of the steel beam or the horizontal beam. Therefore, the top floor steel deckof the upper wing of the steel beam does not need to be sprayed with fireproof paint. The openings between the steel floor steel deckand the steel beam are void and need to be filled with holes in the shoulder;

  The closed floor floor steel deckin strict accordance with the design drawings were processed in factories, in order have row number, site construction without cutting and welding, convenient for installation of steel company;

  The opening floor floor steel deckshall block the floor steel deckat the port so as to avoid pouring the concrete into thefloor steel deck the bottom of the plate, and the end floor steel deckis closed without the end blocking plate;

  The opening floor floor steel deckshall block the floor steel deckat the port so as to avoid pouring the concrete into thefloor steel deck the bottom of the plate, and the end floor steel deckis closed without the end blocking plate;






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