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成立于2001年,香港东方日升直属企业:“宝佳利包装材料厂(秋长大型生产基地) 和顺力胶粘贴合制品厂(镇隆分厂);十多年的研发、代工、出口经验,专业胶粘贴合制品解决方案,保障产品的高质量和高效率的生产。产品致力于电子、工业、工艺品、日用品行业中的胶粘成型系列化、规模化生产。注册商标:粘大师,把他打造成行业质优价廉的领导品牌和专业产品齐全,以及代加工开发领域。留意图片证明数据,本厂产品直接与间接供应用于:德赛集团、三星、TCL、LG、比亚迪等,质量保证,价格超值,感谢厂商贸易商支持与肯定。Founded in 2001, Hong Kong enterprises directly under the East Sunrise: "Bao Li Jia packaging materials plant (autumn of large-scale production base) rolls of adhesive bonding products plant (the town of Long Branch); ten years of research and development, manufacturing, export experience, professional glue laminate solutions, guarantee high quality and efficiency of production.Products to electronics, industry, handicrafts, daily necessities industry adhesive forming serialization, large-scale production. Registered trademark: stick master, he was playing a leading brand in the industry cheap and professional product range, as well as the development and processing areas.Watching the pictures to prove data, direct and indirect supply our products for: Desai Group, Samsung, TCL, LG, BYD, quality assurance, price value, thank vendors traders support and affirmation. Quality leader, a better tomorrow!