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杭州晨盛丝绸有限公司位于秀丽的千岛湖畔,企业占地20余亩,目前拥有六组先进的自动缫丝机,职工180余人,年产白厂丝150吨,产值3500余万元。 企业主要生产20/22 24/26 27/29 等各种规格的白产丝。依托“千岛湖”高品质的蚕茧和企业管理者自身三十多年的白厂丝生产管理经验,厂丝质量在行业内得到了较好的口碑。几年来企业先后荣获“淳安县级农业龙头企业”“淳安县十佳农业龙头企业”“杭州市农业龙头企业”等荣誉。 企业秉承诚信为本的理念,坚持品质为上的方针,努力为客户提供一流的产品和服务。 Hangchou Chun'an Chensheng Silk Co., LTD was established in 2003. We are located beside Qiandao Lake Town, Chun'an City, Zhejiang province. Our company coves14, 000 square meters. We have more than 150 employees. We have 6 product lines to produce more than 150 metric tons raw silk every year. If you are interested in any of pur products, please feel free to contact us further information. We are looking forward to cooperating with you on the basis of mutual benefit.